Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Weezer re-FUSE-to be lame

I just wanted to give a shout out to the Fuse network for having some balls,
When it came to playing the new Weezer video “We are on drugs”.
I was surprised to see that they had released the version; “We are all in love”.
You could clearly see the actor’s mouths saying drugs in the back ground.
I don’t endorse drug use, or even like that song as much as the others on
that albumn. It’s just good to see that someone still has some integrity and
that we all do not not live in a world just filled with love. KT

Where in the world is Zach De La Rocha? The simple answer to that would be; everywhere! I got a little curious about the ex-R.A.T.M front man, when I decided to listed to “Evil Empire” the other day. It would seem that on the mainstream end of things that his career would be stagnant. However, he has been quite busy. He has teamed up with Trent Rezor to produce twenty some tracks for and upcoming albumn. He has also had the track "We want it all", featured on the Michael Moore compilation; “Songs and Artists That Inspired Fahrenheit 9/11”. If you have an appetite for more political activism, the new collaboration of Zach and D.J. Shadow’s “March of death” is also available for download. Believe me; the man is alive and well, and very busy. To see everything else going on with Zach, log onto: http://www.zdlr.net/portal/index.php