WARP TOUR '05/ Bristow VA
August 10th
By: Keith Thompson
Summer time is the host of an abundance of concert events. One in particular is the Warp tour. This is the one event I had been waiting for this summer. What I will tell you is that this was my first time, and will it be my last? Time will tell. For now, I would like to share some highlights with you. The Warp event gave the fans an opportunity to hear from bands such as; The Starting Line, My Chemical Romance, Funeral for a friend, Atreyu, The Transplants and The Offspring. With the sun heating things up, the warp event simultaneously had bands playing at separated designated areas. This was a little too much concert for me. I did manage to hook up with the band: Funeral for a friend, and chat with the guys about the tour, record labels and video games. They informed me that they were on the new "Madden" and also had a song on the new xbox 360 hard drive. The FFAF fellows were very cool, look forward to talking more with them in the future. As I headed over to one of the stages to catch Relient K, I was informed that they were already on. One of the problems I soon found out was, that time schedules were different from the itinerary I was handed. Soon after, I checked out the band MXPX. I have always heard of them, but never heard anything from them. I still couldn't tell you any of their song titles, but there were good all the same. I headed back over to the production suites to get an interview with the band: Fallout Boy. I had arrived a little to early, and was in fear that I would miss a band that I really wanted to see. The Transplants were up next, I was not going to miss them. On my way over i bumped into Relient K, and was honored with a quick photo opp. Stay tuned for more of the guys when I review them in the fall. Now, back to our show. The stage is set and the crowds are getting bigger. The Transplants, driven by Rancid singer Tim Armstrong and"Blink" drummer Travis Barker kick off their set with a track from their new albumn, and continue to perform songs from their catalog. If you don't have the new albumn, and I'll be honest that I don't have it yet. I would highly recommend it. These guys are great. Another band that I had been looking forward to was The Offspring. With a greatest hits CD now out on the shelf's, The Offsping gave the fans want they wanted without hesitation. They opened up with "Come out and play" and continued to pump out the hits. With the show coming to a close, I realized that with play there also comes a lot of work. If and when you decide to come to an event such as this. You should prepare to do a lot of walking, and a lot of listening.
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